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A 15-minute Spanish-language illustrated podcast that delves into why the Hispanic/Latinx community has pursued vaccination. By continuing to inform and educate our community about COVID-19, we can make a meaningful impact in promoting vaccine equity.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

White Memorial Presbyterian Church

10:30 AM-1 PM

1704 Oberlin Rd, Raleigh, NC 27608

Knox Building


Join us for the exclusive in-person premiere of "Me Vacuno Porque" and be among the first to experience this project in person! Witness the journey unfold through three compelling episodes, each one delving into the powerful narratives surrounding health and community. You’re invited to engage with the podcast's creators, participate in a post-screening discussion, and help shape the conversation around the vital topic of vaccination. We look forward to welcoming you to this momentous event!

¡Acompáñanos en el estreno exclusivo en persona de "Me Vacuno Porque" y sé de los primeros en vivir este proyecto en persona! Sé testigo del desarrollo del viaje a través de tres episodios convincentes, cada uno de los cuales profundiza en las poderosas narrativas que rodean la salud y la comunidad. Estás invitado a interactuar con los creadores del programa, participar en una discusión posterior a la proyección y ayudar a dar forma a la conversación sobre el tema vital de la vacunación.

Made Possible with Support from NNICE and Black Public Media